Design & Craftsmanship
Studying Product Design at Saint Martin's in London has enabled Nina with the skills and inspiration to design furniture, objects and interiors. What you see has all been hand made by her, except the heavier metal works. Always developing new ideas, she is constantly making new pieces to beautify the world around her. As Beata Heuman puts it:
"Every room must sing".
Handmade Construction of fries made from sports equipment, Photo: Björn Ewers
The Brazilian Collection, Photo: Autumn Sonnichsen
All objects ranging from seating to bar trolley, room dividers and vases are designed and handmade by Nina Lemm. The bar trolley "Caipirinha" is a mix between a flashing night street vendor cart and a fancy tea trolley. Lounger „Carioca“ gets his precise measurements from the typical low and comfortable beach chairs which line Rio's beaches in the thousands.
"Ipanema" are mirrors that remind of the sunset at sea. Indigenous craft techniques were the starting point of the "Indio" tables and the room divider “Maracanã“. The pumpkin vases seem to be a percussion instrument of african origin: the “Xequeré“.
Self designed and handmade furniture collection, art direction, “The Brazilian Collection”: 2 side tables adjustable in height, Photo: Attila Hartwig
Design and handmade construction of 2 mirrors, photography location at Beelitz Heilstaetten, Photo: Attila Hartwig
Handmade Construction, Client: SZ Magazin, Photo: Peter Langer
Handmade Construction, SZ Magazin, Photo: Peter Langer
Handmade Construction of a hamburger made from sports equipment, no photoshop, Photo: Björn Ewers
Handmade Construction, Client: Volkswagen, Photo: Karsten Wegener
Handmade paper models, Client: Séduction Magazin, Photo: Robert Rieger
Handmade Design, Client: Google, Photo: Lars Borges
Handmade Flower Design , Client: Weleda, Photo: Bernd Westphal